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This site provides information, resources and support for parents dealing with ADD/ADHD.
Our children are impulsive, forgetful, extremely active, and sometimes downright difficult. They are also exuberant, fun, witty, loving, spontaneous, imaginative, creative and overall wonderful children. With our love, support, understanding and guidance they can and will become all that they dream to become and more. This site is interactive in that we provide forums and outlets for parents to share experiences, advice, suggestions and questions with one another. |
Every journey we take becomes easier when we know we are not alone.
"Together we can make a difference in our children's lives"
We are dedicated to remaining neutral in today's controversy of treatment choices. We have tried to create an environment of support for all parents.
The information contained on this site is not an endorsement of any product, service or treatment but is supplied here in an effort to arm parents with the information they need to make intelligent and wise choices for their family and their situation. Please keep in mind that all children react differently to different methods of treatment and before beginning any course of action your physician should be consulted and all treatment options should be carefully monitored.
Our visitors come from every walk of life and from around the world. Sign our guest book, let others know you were here, that you care and offer your words of wisdom to other parents around the world.
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ADHD Specialist Directory
Directory of many providers specializing in the treatment of ADD/ADHD. Lists international directory.
Articles and Information
Articles on all aspects of working with ADD/ADHD at home and at school.
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