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Regular Features
Steven Richfield provides articles on many different aspects of raising a child
with ADHD.
month we our advocate will be answering questions from our visitors about yours
and your children's rights in the educational system.
A mother is trying to help her teenage son learn anger management.
Five great ideas for motivation, including The Shoe Race, Trading Places
and more.
Organize your child at home, and maybe find some tips that will help you
as well.
Headlines about ADHD, Learning Disability and Mental Disorders
at Home-Developing a Plan of Action
The Out Of Control Child
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About Us
George and Eileen Bailey
26 West 2nd Street Pottstown, PA 19464
Who We Are
We are the parents of five beautiful and wonderful children. Eileen is a stay at home mom and George works as a sales representative in the advertising industry. Our oldest child, age 15, has ADHD and was diagnosed 2 years ago. After he was diagnosed and began treatment, we saw vast improvements. We began to look for support groups and other parents to share our concerns and our triumphs with. However, there did not seem to be any in our area. For two years we researched ADD and tried to learn all that we could on our own. Once we entered the world of the internet, we began a support group on line and it has grown over the past several months to be much more. We have added resources and a monthly newsletter and have learned more from other parents sharing similar experiences than we ever could have from a book. We are dedicated to
helping our children grow and learn and hope that along the way we may be able to help other children and parents.
Eileen has now begun working with in an effort to
reach even more families and individuals affected by ADD/ADHD. George
continues to work on ADDHelpline.
Our Mission
This web site was developed and designed specifically for parents raising children with ADD/ADHD. Our mission is to provide information, support and encouragement, but most importantly to let other parents know they are not alone in their struggles and to provide parents with a forum in which they can interact with each other to share successes and concerns. We are dedicated to providing up to date and accurate information on ADD/ADHD, to show the difference between the fact and the myth and to let everyone know that ADHD does indeed exist.
This site will remain neutral in the debate surrounding medicating children. We do not condone nor negate providing our children with medication. We do however, provide support to all parents and encourage each parent to make the decision that is best for their child, themselves and their family. We will provide information on all types of treatment for ADHD.