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If you are interested in learning more about how you can receive EEG Neurotherapy right in your home, using your own computer, enter your email address below.


Regular Features

Dr. Steven Richfield provides articles on many different aspects of raising a child with ADHD.                                   

Each month we our advocate will be answering questions from our visitors about yours and your children's rights in the educational system.    

A mother is trying to help her teenage son learn anger management.   

Five great ideas for motivation, including The Shoe Race, Trading Places and more.  

Organize your child at home, and maybe find some tips that will help you as well.  

Headlines about ADHD, Learning Disability and Mental Disorders

Study on ADD and TV
The recent study published on watching television between the ages of one and three and the possible link to ADD/ADHD did not take many considerations into account. The author of the study even admits that he cannot conclude that television watching and ADD/ADHD are linked.

Read the Article

FAQ On EEG Neurotherapy

EEG Neurofeedback is a psychophysiological treatment.  When combined with other traditional therapies, there can be significant improvement in many patients.  Ongoing research is still needed, however, many of the studies performed thus far have shown positive and hopeful results.  

EEG is not a cure but if can be very successful when used in combination with other therapies.

Table Of Contents:

What Is EEG Neurotherapy

Who could benefit from EEG Neurotherapy?*

What Ages Does EEG Neurotherapy Work For?

Who should not use EEG Neurotherapy?*

What symptoms are improved through EEG Neurotherapy?*

What Can An Individual Expect After Completing EEG Neurotherapy?*

How Long Does Treatment Last?

Are There Any Risks Involved In EEG Neurotherapy?

How Effective Is EEG Neurotherapy?*

Will EEG Neurotherapy Change Me?

What Is The Cost Of Treatment?

Does Insurance Cover This?


What Is EEG Neurotherapy? 

EEG Neurotherapy allows a patient to see their brainwaves on a computer screen as they complete activities.  By completing tasks and activities on the computer, the individual can better understand their brain activity and learn to manipulate their brain waves.  

EEG Neurotherapy works on the theory that this is a learned skill, and once the individual has learned to manipulate their brain waves, they will continue to do so after treatment has stopped. 

Some studies have followed participants for 10 years after therapy and have indicated sustained improvement, even after that length of time. 

Who could benefit from EEG Neurotherapy?* 

Any individual with a primary diagnosis of ADD/ADHD and is low average to above average intelligence. 

What Ages Does EEG Neurotherapy Work For? 

EEG Neurotherapy has been used for children , adolescents and adults, all with equally promising results. 

Who should not use EEG Neurotherapy?* 

Those individuals with ADD/ADHD and any of the following comorbid conditions may not be candidates for EEG Neurotherapy.  


                        Mental Retardation Childhood Psychosis


 Severe depressive or bipolar illness


Significant seizure disorder where medications interfere with learning (i.e., sedating medications)


Learning disabilities without ADD or ADHD as a primary problem


What symptoms are improved through EEG Neurotherapy?* 








Task completion


Organizational skills


Mild hyperactivity


What Can An Individual Expect After Completing EEG Neurotherapy?* 


Improved behavior and learning


Improvement in school grades


Increased self-esteem


Better job performance


Greater realization of innate potential


Higher intelligence test scores


Improved scores on Parent-Teacher rating scales


How Long Does Treatment Last?

The average therapy is 20 sessions.  Each session normally lasts ½ hour.  Some individuals may require 40-60 sessions to see improvement.

Are There Any Risks Involved In EEG Neurotherapy? 

There are very few side effects or risks. 

There are some people that may experience migraine headaches, anxiety or hot flashes after an EEG Therapy session.  However, this can be minimized or avoided if a proper and thorough medical history is taken prior to beginning treatment to determine if treatment would be beneficial. 

How Effective Is EEG Neurotherapy?*

Many people indicate an increase in ability to pay attention, a decrease in impulsivness and an increase in self esteem and ability to complete projects.

When the above criteria (who should and should not enter into EEG Neurotherapy) are used to select candidates for therapy and treatment, the majority of patients completing treatment show marked improvement. The improvement is measured and validated by improvement in the results listed above and are measured by independent observers and testing, reports by teachers, parents, and other involved health care professionals.

Will EEG Neurotherapy Change Me? 

EEG Neurotherapy is based on the theory that the individual can learn to control and manipulate their brain waves. It is the patient that is always in control during a session. It is entirely up to the patient to determine the amount of control learned and used.  The patient is always in control, therefore, only changes that that patient desires will happen.

What Is The Cost Of Treatment? 

The average cost is dependant upon the area you live.  Treatment can run anywhere from $2000.00 to $6000.00

Does Insurance Cover This? 

Insurance companies do not normally cover EEG Neurotherapy.  It is normally considered to fall under training rather than treatment.  It is best, however, to check with your individual insurance coverage to determine if you can receive reimbursement.


* Answers to a few questions have been supplied by Joel F. Lubar, Ph.D. POSITION STATEMENT FOR THE TREATMENT OF ADD/ADHD WITH NEUROFEEDBACK