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101 Tips for Classroom Management
Prepared for ChADD of NEW YORK CITY
PO Box 133 - New York, NY 10024
by Harold & Susan Meyer
There are many reasons why a child is disruptive or inattentive in class.
However, many children who do exhibit this behavior have attention deficit
disorder, with or without hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD). They will frequently have
other learning disabilities
and, if undiagnosed until they're older, they are more likely to show serious
conduct disorders and drug dependency (attempts to self-medicate).
ADD/ADHD is difficult to diagnose definitively. It's a neurological problem
characterized by behavioral disorders. A combination of neurological,
psychological and educational testing, along with a detailed family history, is
necessary to pinpoint ADHD as the
probable issue. Testing should rule out other medical, hearing or vision
problems, anxiety, depression, abuse or neglect.
ADHD is characterized by any of three major components: poor attention span,
weak impulse control and/or hyperactivity. Positive diagnosis is likely if at
least eight of the following characteristics appeared for at least six months
before age seven:
Difficulty sustaining attention
Easily distractible
Fidgets, squirms, seems restless, has difficulty remaining seated
Blurts out answers, is highly impulsive
Has difficulty awaiting turns
Difficulty with organizing, often loses things
Difficulty following instructions and adhering to rules
Shifts from one uncompleted task to another
Has difficulty playing quietly
Talks excessively
Interrupts or intrudes on others, often lacks social skills
Doesn't seem to listen or concentrate (ADD kids without hyperactivity are often
"space cadets")
Engages in dangerous actions
Often bright, but underachiever
Treatment for a child with ADHD is very effective, especially when the diagnosis
is made at an early age. (Treatment involves a combination of individual and
family therapy, behavior modification and medication). So if you have children
in your
classes exhibiting behavior that might mean they have ADHD, but they are not
diagnosed as having attention deficit disorder, please encourage testing (both
school and home).
Kids with ADHD are generally bright, although they may not show it. They are
frustrated by their behavior and, although the older children have learned to
cover this up, often by manifesting negative attitudes and behaviors ("If I
can't help it, I'll join it"). However, they are not "bad" kids
and want very much to be liked and appreciated. Many older children, upon being
diagnosed, are thrilled to find that there's a reason for their lack of control
and inability to focus -- that the things they've always felt are wrong with
them have a cause. Motivating these kids works.
When a child with ADHD is motivated, challenged and interested, there is
actually a change in the brain chemistry (more on that later).
Parents of kids with ADHD are generally very frustrated. There is a pervasive
attitude that since the children misbehave, the parents are doing a terrible job
of parenting. They are criticized for not exerting enough discipline. In their
family, they may have
relatives or spouses who criticize them for being too strict. There is often
contention between spouses on how to handle the child. There's frequently a
feeling (especially from fathers) that the child needs to just shape up. What is
often overlooked at home,
as well as at school, is that the child CANNOT just shape up. These children
have a very real neurological problem and need help to succeed.
Since the techniques for helping a child with ADHD are similar to those for
helping any child with behavioral issues, here are a number of tips for
effective classroom management:
Set up an informal support group you can lean on. Having ADHD kids in the
classroom can be exhausting. Ask for help from specialists (learning,
psychological, medical). Involve the parents -- how do they handle certain
situations at home; what can they do at home to make your job easier. Involve
other teachers in finding solutions to particular issues -- it's not a sign of
weakness to reach out.
Know -- and accept -- your limits. If you accept that it's okay to get angry,
tired, frustrated or even a little crazy, it's easier to keep your overall
sanity than if you think you have to be
Avoid unfair expectations. Most kids with ADHD are smart, and because their
behavior and
performance is inconsistent, teachers often think the child's problems are due
to non-compliance
or laziness, with the standard refrain being , "we know if you just tried
harder you could do it."
But that's not always so... sometimes the child who scored a 98 one day can't
perform better
than a 65 on another day. Can't NOT won't. The same child who answers difficult
may stumble on the easy ones. And they're as frustrated about it as you are!
Make sure you have his attention. Unless the child is paying attention, he can't
learn. So before beginning a lesson or assignment, establish eye contact with
the child so you know he's focused. ADHD kids frequently have difficulty
distinguishing the key element (the teacher) from the background (other kids in
the class, noise in the hall). Use frequent eye contact and an occasional touch
on the shoulder to maintain or redirect the child's attention.
Seat the child near your desk and away from doors, windows, heater and air
Keep the classroom door closed, especially during tests.
Minimize distractions in the classroom itself.
Sit the child near a good role model, both for behavioral and organizational
Help the child to keep an uncluttered desk. Check that all necessary items
(sharpened pencil, paper, etc.) are available. If the lesson begins and the
child is still looking for her book, she won't be able to catch up with the rest
of the class.
Set the child up for success, not failure. Break instructions into small steps
and assign one task at a time. Pick one goal at a time.
Spell it out -- be precise in your directions. Don't say, "get ready,"
but break it down into several steps, such as "now sit in the chair with
your feet on the floor...face the front of the room...have your work book and
pen on the desk." Pause between each instruction to give the child time to
follow the step.
Repeat directions. Write them down. Say them. Repeat them. Then have the child
repeat the instructions back to you, while maintaining eye contact.
Keep the child on task and redirect attention when necessary, which means
supervising with greater frequency than normal.
Disruptive inattentive children need structure. They need their environment to
structure for them externally what they can't structure internally. ADHD
children function best in a highly structured classroom with clearly established
patterns and rules.
Make lists and post the rules. It must be clear to the child what is expected.
By providing rituals in the classroom, the kids then feel more comfortable
taking risks from a secure base.
Have as predictable a schedule as possible. Post it and refer to it often. If
you are going to vary it, as most interesting teachers do, give lots of warning.
Transitions and unannounced changes
are hard for these kids.
Have the children make their own schedules for after school, both to assist with
learning the concept of time management and to avoid one of the hallmarks of
ADHD -- procrastination.
Set limits and boundaries. There must be a defined system of acceptable and
behaviors, along with rewards and consequences<-#> (incentives,
reinforcements). This is
containing and soothing, NOT punitive. Be consistent and predict able. (Reward
are discussed in more detail later on.)
Take charge. Follow through with consequences (positive or negative)
immediately. Avoid
lawyerlike discussions of fairness. ADHD kids are notorious negotiators.
Your goal is to help SHAPE behavior. You can't be responsible for changing it.
The child who
hits won't just stop hitting, because that is an impulsive, reactive act. Look
for a gradual effect.
Discipline means to teach -- NOT to punish. ADHD children are impulsive, which
means they'll often do things which get them into trouble, even when they're
trying to behave well. They need
your support.
Never blame the child -- criticize the behavior! ADHD kids, though they usually
do not express or show it, feel badly enough about their behavior and lack of
control. They frequently do things they didn't plan or want to, due to
impulsiveness. They know something is wrong and they cover up with false
bravado. At a young age they begin to think they're no good. By high school
they've frequently "grown in" to the role they've been assigned
as troublemaker. They need your support.
Reprimand in private as much as possible.
Give child a choice of behaving in the correct manner or, if continuing to
misbehave, facing predetermined consequences - not punishment, but consequences
logically related to behavior and made clear to the child in advance. Examples -
If chair is continually tipped, it will be removed--"It's your choice if
you prefer to stand through the lesson"... If a favored toy is abused, the
toy will immediately be given time out (put on a shelf)--"Obviously you've
decided not to play with this toy today, or you'd be gentle with it, so it's
your choice to put it away."
When you have a kid who is obstinate or has trouble making up his mind, give two
choices, either of which which would be acceptable to you -- "Do you want
to put away the blocks
first or would you prefer to put away the puzzles first?" The child gets to
feel pride in being the one to make a decision, rather than being told what to
do and you have made it clear what needs to be done.
Provide the consequence of a choice so final behavior is the child's decision -
Your pushing is upsetting both me and the other children. You can either play
gently or go for time out -- YOU DECIDE" This avoids having the teacher
always being the taskmaster and disciplinarian and places the responsibility for
acceptable behavior on the child.
Present alternatives in a positive way. Instead of "If you don't quiet down
you'll have to go to the principle's office," try "If you quiet down
now we'll have time for xxx."
Act quickly when giving a consequence, especially with younger children, so it's
clear punishment tied in to specific activity
Try to be specific in defining behavior -- NOT "Stop misbehaving, but
"Stop pushing," "Stop banging the book," etc.
Relate the criticism to the action -- NOT the child. Instead of "You're
really creating disruptions in the class," try "Your behavior (being
specific if possible) is causing the other kids to get upset and making it
difficult for me to teach." It's a subtle difference, but with one you're
condemning the child; with the other, the activity. This leaves the child free
to improve, whereas the other makes him feel worthless.
Never call the child good or bad, but address the behavior (not acceptable).
Avoid accusations which make the child feel he or she is not good as a person,
and put up their defenses:
"You're not trying" "I feel upset when you don't start to work on
the questions."
Focus on actions, not motivations. Say, "It's time to get started on your
work." NOT "Stop being so lazy."
Don't praise with one hand and criticize with the other. It's not positive to
tell a child "You haven't done anything wrong today," even if you mean
well by it. Say, "I'm really happy with the way you raised your hand,
rather than interrupting the class."
Take advantage of a cooling down period. When you see the child has lost
control, don't confront the issue, but quietly go over and tell him to take some
quiet time, then when ready, rejoin the group. You need to monitor the child, to
help prevent negative
behaviors by early intervention, to make the rules clear and to see the child
experiences predetermined and clearly defined consequences.
Choose the issues. Avoid confrontation on every wrong move. Ignore minor
non-disruptive behavior and reinforce other children's efforts for not attending
to the ADHD child's misbehavior (which to the child is reinforcement, albeit
Never confront the child or demand response when she's out of control or her
body language says NO. Give 10 minutes of quiet time and you'll see PHYSICAL
changes. Then you can discuss what happened from the perspective of being
concerned and
wanting to work with the child to avoid recurrence. Make the child feel good
about herself, that you know she can do it, but you also understand how very
hard it is for her, and what an accomplishment it will be.
When a child is really disruptive, time-out doesn't work and the child's
behavior is affecting the entire class, it may be advisable to bring in an
authority figure. NEVER leave the child alone, but it may be necessary to remove
them from class. Instead of
having the child sit and do nothing, you or an administrator can offer them
paper and pencil and give them a chance to work out what they're feeling. (This
way they aren't sitting bored, and yet it isn't a reward.) For younger children,
just having an administrator write their name in an official-looking book may
worry them enough to stop the behavior.
Styles differ, but when kids are excited or distressed, calmness and
predictability from the teacher is needed -- a structure the child can depend on
when they're out of control, a model they can try to emulate.
Children will test your limits. Try to be consistent, avoid anger or rejection
(anger can be seen as negative reinforcement for unacceptable behavior).
Be appreciative of the child's struggles. It's twice as difficult for a child
with ADHD. Show that you respect his efforts and appreciate them. NEVER
Treat children as individuals, not as a typical this or that. Become a
detective. Discover what the child responds to and what works for her, vs.
what's upsetting.
Have high expectations, but express them in a gentle way, so kids feel elevated,
not pushed.
Make sure the child understands your expectations. DON'T ASSUME. Ask the child
to repeat back to you. Ask them again tomorrow and again next week.
Make sure the child knows how to meet your expectations. DON'T ASSUME that a
student who continually makes noise when he stands up is doing it to annoy you
or attract attention. They just might not know how to stand without scraping the
against the floor. Demonstrate, have the child practice, then praise.
Help the child get started on a task. The child may be trying, but doesn't know
how to get going. It's not a case of noncompliance. Instead of criticizing for
falling behind, try to establish support and involvement - "What can we do
to make it easier to get
started? Shall I review the assignment?
Focus on learning, not rules. Allow more time for these children to complete
projects. Allow aids, if needed, such as tape recorders or laptop computers.
Build on strengths, rather than contribute to a child's frustrations by focusing
on his or her weaknesses. Example: If a child has difficulty in writing, you
might ask him to answer a question verbally, but not write the answer on the
Reinforce that the child is competing only against herself, NOT others.
Eliminate or reduce the frequency of timed tests. Teach test-taking skills.
Go for quality, rather than quantity of homework.
Separate out creativity and neatness into different activities. Have the student
write a story for creative development; have her rewrite it neatly afterwards.
Let the child dictate an essay into a cassette, then type it afterwards.
Use computer software to help the child with organization, outlining and
visualization of ritten projects.
Break down large tasks into small tasks. This helps avoid tantrums due to
frustration, real or anticipated. It also helps the child absorb what you're
trying to teach. An example is to give several target times, each 3-15 minutes,
within an assignment (ie, do 4 math problems, break, 4 more, break or 1 essay,
break then another). This helps those with trouble starting and those who tend
to fizzle in the middle and have difficulty with completion.
Target realistically for completion of work. Following through with
consequences, give specifics as to when work must be completed if not done in
class (recess, after school).
Set appropriate goals that the child can (not "should") meet. Start
easy. Success is the best motivator, for both you and the child. Acknowledge
each success. Encourage.
Set time limits. This is helpful for drifters, but also for impulsive students
who then must take needed extra time to look over their initial work which may
be sloppily done, rather than just
rushing though it to get it out of the way. If an ADHD child is the first one
done with a test (often the case), give it back to him and ask him to review his
Try to give appropriate projects for the time of day. A good time for projects
requiring concentration is in the morning when kids are fresh... and for those
kids on medication, the medicine is working. Around lunchtime, play or low-key,
calming activities work best. Be aware that, depending upon the type of medicine
and dosage, medicine does "wear off" and during this period of the day
the child may experience the most difficulty. Don't make demands when the kids
are going to be weaker. Work from strength.
Allow the child time to be alone or away from classroom activities. Sometimes an
ADHD child needs quiet space to pull herself back together when the distractions
become to much. If other children want to know why she can do things they can't,
explain that "everyone in class is special, and this is something she needs
that's different from what you might need."
Allow the child to move. Let him leave the classroom for a 5 minutes, or walk
around the room in between assignments or parts of a project.
Children learn better when they can also touch, not just see or hear. Try to
give the child opportunities for tactile-learning. Let them hold a small object
while they're trying to concentrate. By involving their bodies, they can often
focus better.
Allow time to exercise everyone could benefit from a few neck or shoulder rolls,
not just the ADHD children).
Watch out for fatigue ADHD children are often tired in the classroom. Not from
lack of sleep, but from the effort it takes just to focus in and concentrate.
Physical activity is often needed
for the child to stay mentally alert. Otherwise, the longer the time slot, the
increased inefficiency and disorganization. You'll see the child yawn and
stretch. It's not rest time. It's time to move!
Memory is often a problem with these kids. Teach them little tricks, like
Use outlines. Teach outlining. Teach underlining.
Find little strategies to help the child feel successful.
Encourage reading aloud at home. Read aloud in class as much as possible. Use
story-telling. Help the child build the skill of staying on one topic.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Teach, don't lecture.
Use non-verbal communication. Sometimes it's necessary to show the child what
you want physically, as verbal commands, and especially verbal reprimands, are
frequently ineffective.
Help the children to listen better. Encourage them to write notes to themselves
when they have questions, so they can listen without the distraction of having a
question on their mind.
Frequently compliment the student for on-task behavior. (And remember to call
parents about good things too). Positive reinforcement is essential to helping
the child develop
self-esteem. These kids live with so much failure, they need all the positive
handling they can get.
Give the child frequent feedback on his or her work. Be honest but positive in
approach: "You did a great job writing clearly... Next time, let's work on
staying within the margins"
Monitor progress frequently; point out even small improvements, like in the
frequency or duration of eye contact. THESE KIDS WANT TO DO WELL, BUT DON'T
THINK THEY CAN Feedback should help the child develop self-observing behavior
and be
able to critique that behavior.
Consider a daily progress report Have a brief exchange at the end of class in
Give responsibility back to the child, when possible (ie, watering plants in the
classroom, getting changed in gym on time).
Involve the child. She needs to feel connected to you, her work, her classmates.
Kids are often very intuitive and can tell you how they learn best, if you ask
them. They are often too embarrassed to volunteer this information. And they
certainly won't volunteer
when other kids are around.
Involve the child in self-motivating behavior. Consider a point system, with
rewards (predetermined) for desirable behavior. Motivational programs, using
materials of high interest to the child, are very successful. They help the
child stay focused
on a goal, filtering that goal (acceptable behavior) out from others. Younger
children might benefit from a posted award, such as stars or checkmarks on a
corner of the blackboard for good behavior, being a good friend, etc.
Encourage and reward responsible behavior with simple things, like letting the
child be first on line, sending home a Responsible Behavior Certificate (or
maybe a graded GOOD WORK to WOW, TERRIFIC), giving the child performing
responsibility, like passing out papers or cleaning the blackboard. Note: You
may want to include all children in this process, perhaps giving
slips of paper to any child who does well (so as not to ignore the generally
well behaved child either) and have a drawing at the end of the week for a
When offering a reward for certain behavior, set the reward in advance, so the
child can strive towards it. Make it something age appropriate and desirable. It
can be an object (a colorful pen for younger children, a low-cost CD or book for
older kids. If it's an object, you may want to have it on display. Smaller
rewards along the way may be more successful in motivating a student
than promising a big reward for completing a very big job. (One goal at a
When determining penalties for misbehavior, be careful. One school I know of
would send the child home. One kid loved this and that was positive enforcement
for misbehavior!
Better alternatives are loss of recess time, temporary isolation from group
activities (not necessarily from the group), or having the child call or write
his parents with the details.
Avoid giving rewards solely for academic performance -- keep this
non-competitive or the ADHD child will give up in frustration. Many ADHD
children are perfectionists, and knowing they can't be best, they'd rather not
try at all. You can reward for getting homework done on time, reading the book,
etc., so long as the reward is for effort, not expertise.
In certain cases consider school to home charts, or even a combination
homework/notebook (ADHD kids are notorious for losing things, including homework
assignments). Charts should track behavior and school performance and be tied to
predetermined and mutually agreed upon (by student, teacher and parent) behavior
and consequence. The consequence, good or bad, should be administered at school,
as that is immediate
and related. Examples are a chance to be the class leader, messenger or whatever
would give the child a sense of accomplishment and pride (motivation). If the
child doesn't do well, consequences may result in a loss of recess time, a
particular play item (for younger children), etc. Note: An older child may feel
embarrassed showing pride in an accomplishment or reward. Don't let that stop
Keep the child stimulated by using challenging and interesting learning
materials on level with the child's learning ability, and switch approach when
they begin to lose interest.
Modulate your voice. Change tone, speed -- even whisper. This captures the
child's attention, preventing your voice from being just more background noise.
Make a game out of things. Motivation improves ADHD. Excitement about a subject
changes the chemistry of the brain. That's one reason a child who can't seem to
concentrate in class for more than five minutes can spend an hour constructing
Legos or building a model airplane.
Be playful and have fun yourself! Kids hate being bored. Especially when so much
of their "treatment" involves structure, schedules and predictability.
They truly enjoy a bit of "silliness."
Early warning signs appear before the behavior goes. A child who is about to
lose it will clue you in, if you're a careful observer. It's so much easier to
stop unwanted behavior before it becomes full-blown. Have the child take a break
to recharge. Separate him
from the other kids for a little while by giving him a special task. Bring her
back into the group dynamics by capturing her attention. Establish a private
signal from the teacher to
the child, to be used when the child is "tuning out" or acting
impulsively. Perhaps it's a hand signal, or a hand on the shoulder (acceptable
physical contact sometimes calms the child, especially the younger child).
Announce what you are going to say before you say it. Say it. Then repeat what
you have said. After that, have the child repeat back what you've said.
Don't give the child too many choices. You're the authority.
Plan ahead. Anticipate problems times when the medication wears off,
unstructured activities, those times when you have no patience left, etc.) Have
special resources available to see you through.
Keep unfocused transition periods short, and monitor the ADHD child. Always
explain the next activity in advance.
Prepare for unstructured time. Warn them, help them think about what to do with
the time and plan ahead.
Encourage group participation. Separate clusters that feed on the negative
aspects (ie, impulsivity).
Work with the child to turn bossiness into leadership.
Help them to understand social clues.
Encourage a "study buddy" in each subject, with phone number.
Meet with parents often. Avoid the pattern of just meeting around problems or
crises. View the parent as a partner in educating the child. Try not to scare or
depress parents; they've been through a lot. Stress the positive and what can be
accomplished. Do not
whitewash negative issues that should be brought to their attention.
Cooperate with the child's doctors, especially necessary in determining medicine
dosage when that's an issue. NEVER discuss the child's medicine in front of the
other children.
Be on the lookout for sparkling moments. Highlight those times when the talents
and gifts surface. Too often they're blocked. This children are far more
talented and gifted than they often seem.
KEEP IT POSITIVE - Praise, stroke, approve, encourage, nourish. Focus on what
you want the child to do, not just on what you want the child to STOP.
Keep it honest. Kids know when we're not being honest; praise with respect to
actual accomplishment (however minor).
Stick to it -- your commitment will inspire the child.
Remember, the kids are good kids. Children with ADHD don't want to be disruptive
or disliked by the other children. They need you to like them and understand
they don't mean to always behave the way they do. Help them to feel wonderful
about attending and being part of the group, so they'll want to do more.
Motivation and respect work beautifully.
Put your own ideas here, and share them with a colleague and with us
Written by Harold and Susan Meyer,
with special thanks to
Edward Hallowell, M.D.and Lesley Gordon
A NOTE ABOUT ChADD of New York City
ChADD of New York City is a not for profit organization entirely dependent
on your financial support. Membership is $35 per year for families; $65 for
professionals. Please mail your membership or contributions to: ChADD
of New York City, P.O. Box 133, New York, NY 10024-0133.
If you have comments and additions, please write or call us at 212-721-0007
This material was reproduced with the consent of the authors.