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Regular Features

Dr. Steven Richfield provides articles on many different aspects of raising a child with ADHD.                                   

Each month we our advocate will be answering questions from our visitors about yours and your children's rights in the educational system.    

A mother is trying to help her teenage son learn anger management.   

Five great ideas for motivation, including The Shoe Race, Trading Places and more.  

Organize your child at home, and maybe find some tips that will help you as well.  

Headlines about ADHD, Learning Disability and Mental Disorders

Study on ADD and TV
The recent study published on watching television between the ages of one and three and the possible link to ADD/ADHD did not take many considerations into account. The author of the study even admits that he cannot conclude that television watching and ADD/ADHD are linked.

Read the Article

Education Resources and Articles

Check out recent headlines about Education.

Help For Parents

Help For Teachers

Ask The Advocate Column

IEP-Individualized Educational Plans

Section 504

Secondary Education

Adult Education


Help For Parents

See ASK THE ADVOCATE for answers to reader's questions.

What Do You Do When the School Is Slow To Help?-Parent to Parent-Parents talk about how they work with the school system to get the most for their children. 

Homeschooling- A guest article with great information on homeschooling special needs children. Includes many resources for further reading. 

Learning Advocacy Skills-A teleclass offers the opportunity for parents to learn advocacy skills to help them create a more positive learning environment for their child. 

Homework Help-Parents offer suggestions on what has worked to ease the homework wars.

10 Ways To Start The School Year Off Positively-By an ADD Coach, ways to help prepare you and your child for a new school year.

Parent Teacher Conferences-Being prepared can help you to better help your child succeed in school.

Teenager In Need-Parents talk about what to do when their teenager is struggling in school and where to go for help.

Organizing Your ADD/ADHD Child-Being prepared for school can boost your child's confidence and create an atmosphere of success.

My Experience With The School System-One mother shares her story of working with the school system to provide her son with the best possible education.

Battle Plan-Preparation is the key to having your child receive the services they may require to succeed in school. Take the time to write a plan of action.

School Discipline Of Special Education Students-When your child is in Special Education, what are the rights of the student relating to discipline procedures.

Rights and Responsibilities of Parents of Children With Disabilities-What are your rights as the parent of a special education student?

Should ADD Children Start School Later?-Parents share thoughts of whether it is better to delay the start of school for a child with ADHD.

8 Principles To Guide ADHD Children-From Russell Barkley, 8 principles to live by when dealing with children with ADD or ADHD.

Suggestions For IEPs-From, questions to ask yourself as you start the process of determining reasonable accommodations for your child at school.

Preparing For The IEP/504 Meeting-From step by step on planning to get the most from the IEP meeting.

Thoughts on School Violence-Essay by the mother of a Special Needs Child, School Violence, and Zero-Tolerance.

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Help For Teachers

*~* NEW *~* ADHD In Preschool-A mini e-book designed to help day care providers and preschool teachers better manage toddlers and preschoolers with ADD/ADHD.

A Student's Plea-A high school student requests understanding and compassion from his teachers.

101 Tips For Classroom Management-Behavior modification strategies for helping to manage ADHD in the classroom.

Identifying ADHD In The Classroom-Tips for identifying and helping students in your classroom

8 Principles To Guide ADHD Children-Principles to live by when working with children with ADHD.

ADHD : Building Academic Success-Why current school systems fail ADHD children and what can be done to improve them.

What Teens With ADD Want Their Teachers To Know-Written with the help of several teens with ADD, a list of 12 things they would like their teachers to understand.

Improving On-Task Behavior-Helping the ADHD child in the classroom to stay on task.

Presenting Lessons-Tips for presenting your lessons to keep the attention of children with ADHD.

How Schools Can Help-10 Strategies to Implement to help students succeed.

Teacher To Teacher-An educator writes to all teachers to reach out and help their students.

Teaching Children With ADD-How to teach children with ADHD.

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Ask The Advocate Column

Visit our Ask The Advocate Page to see all the questions our advocate has answered. 

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IEP-Individualized Educational Plans

A Student's Guide To The IEP-Information to help a student understand and begin to help in developing their own IEP.

Overview of the IEP-A General overview of the IEP by the Council For Disability Rights.

IEP-A Roadmap To Success-Step by Step guide to the IEP Process.

IEP: The Process-Including teachers in the IEP Process

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Section 504

Section 504 Overview-From the Texas Education Agency, an overview of Section 504.

How To File a 504 Complaint-From the Office Of Civil Liberties, how to file a complaint if your school district is not complying with Section 504

Section 504 Frequently Asked Questions-Frequently asked questions about Section 504 and how it applies to children with ADHD.

Criteria For Section 504-How is a student deemed eligible for Section 504 services?

Understanding Section 504-What is involved in the process of determining services under Section 504?

Section 504 Questions and Answers-From The Office Of Civil Liberties, answers to frequently asked questions.

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Secondary Education

504 In Higher Education-How Section 504 can be continued into higher education.

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Adult Education

Study Tips For Adults-Five adults with ADD share ideas for studying.

Adult Study Skills-A page of links and resources for the adult with ADD returning or entering college or a learning environment.

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