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Email Q & A - Answers to many questions received through the email. Check here to see if someone else may have asked a question that could help you. ADHD In The News-Find out the latest headlines relating to ADD/ADHD and other learning disabilities. What Is ADD/ADHD?-Excerpt from CHADD Fact Sheet. Includes diagnostic criteria, overview of treatment and more. So You Think Your Child Has ADD/ADHD? What do you do now and what should you expect to happen? DSM Criteria - The criteria from the DSM IV in diagnosing ADD/ADHD. 35 Good Things-Submitted by a parent of a child with Special Needs, a look at the positive characteristics of ADHD. ADD 101-From Addult.org, information for those that are new to ADD. Glossary of ADD- Terms and definitions that you may come across in literature and information on ADD/ADHD and other learning disabilities. Frequently Asked Questions-10 of the most frequently asked questions and answers. Myths vs. Facts-From National Attention Deficit Disorder Association, a review of common myths about ADD. Overview of ADHD-An electronic book on many aspects of ADD/ADHD by Pediatric Neurology Group ADD Is A Language Of Its Own-Communication techniques can help to bridge the gap between those with ADD and those without. Maintaining Accurate Health Records-Your health, or that of your child, could depend on the accuracy of the health information you have. Be prepared for all situations.
The Difference Between ADD and ADHD-From About.com, some of the major differences are explained. Explaining ADD-Parents share their experiences of understanding and explaining ADD without hyperactivity. ADD In Girls-A questionnaire to help determine if you should seek further medical treatment for your child.
What Causes ADD/ADHD-Where does ADD come from, a discussion of possible and probable causes. Family History-Some indicators of possible psychiatric disorders within families. Brain Scan Images-Dr. Amen has shown brain images of ADD patients, both on and off medication.
Help, I Need A Diagnosis!-Parents discuss where to go when you feel your child may need to be tested for ADD/ADHD. So You Think Your Child Has ADHD-What to expect and what to do after you decide to have your child tested for ADD/ADHD. Online Tests-From About.com, links to many online tests and questionnaires to determine if further medical attention and testing is needed.