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with ADD/ADHD have a difficult time organizing their school work and staying
on task. Because of this, daily homework can become a battle. Many
of our parents have offered suggestions for easing the pain of homework time.
Below are some of the suggestions. Feel free to email
me here and we will add your suggestion to this page. Please put
"Homework Help" in the subject line.
was successful using something I ordered from the add warehouse
catalogue. it is a tape that beeps at intervals while they are sitting down
doing homework. it reminds the child to stay on task.
got a pencil box large enough to hold many of the things my son needs to
do his homework. I also included a hand held pencil sharpener. We also
found that there was too much distractions going on so I put up a curtain
rod between the kitchen and middle room and made a long enough curtain. This
seemed to help a lot but he still found other things to do. We also allowed
him a lot of TV time but now we have taken most TV time away. I found that
allowing him to finish watching to the half hour has settled him down. He
then could concentrate on doing his work. After about a month of that I
started telling him that as soon as he gets home he needs to do his
homework. There are not too many times that my son fiddles around because I
will take TV away for the rest of the evening. I also found that when he is
having trouble with a specific assignment he will like writing sentences my
son is 8 and in the 2nd grade. I also told him that if he didn't complete
his assignment that I would wake him up 1/2 hour earlier the next morning to
finish it. I think that all of the things I did over about 3 months have
finally paid off. My son now comes home sits down and does his homework with
out much fuss or moving around for things. Try different things try
different things together and you may find a combination like mine that
Sometimes kids anticipate sitting for long periods of time, especially when homework is considered a huge undertaking. I have a nine year old son (third grade) and something that worked for us was a timer. We started off with three minutes work and two minute breaks, during his breaks he can get up, get a drink of water, sharpen a pencil, go to the bathroom, basically anything he can think of. But when the two minutes are up he knows he has to sit down and get back to work. We are now up to ten minutes work and two minute breaks! He works hard because he knows that his break is coming. Also you should know his "routine" by now it doesn't hurt to be prepared extra pencils or have water waiting for him. I hope this helps. I put together 'homework boxes'. Small containers with pencils, erasers, sharpeners, & anything else I think they may need to get the job done. The kids have a chance to play at the sitters after school and know that once we're home, it's homework time. Everybody has a drink and a snack, pee break, you name it, then the homework box comes out everything they need is there. They usually work at the dining room table. If my son has a lot of
I'll give him a break every 20 minutes or so and let him do a few laps
around the house or whatever. Now the only time he tries little avoidance
tactics is when he doesn't understand the work. Good luck.!
First, get all the necessities, out of the way (bathroom, collect homework tools). Then, give him an ample time limit to complete one part of the homework. Such as: "I expect you to do these 10 math problems in 15 min. It is 2:00 now and at 2:15, I will check it for accuracy. If he even comes
to this goal, much praise is to be given, and if the goal is not even loosely
achieved, reset the time/accomplishment goal and start again. If he knows
you are closely monitoring the situation, he will be less likely to slip
away. Also, if those bathroom and other preparations are done first,
he has no excuse to wander. Also, once one subject is complete, give a 10
minute break before going on to the next. I have found it useful to be
working on something else in the same room or next room, so you can keep
close tabs while the homework is being done. Once you get on the phone, or
go to another part of the house on a project, your son could begin to wander
off task. When you break down the homework into smaller bit-size pieces, it
seems easier to accomplish. Also, the small success will encourage your
son to
start easier.
would suggest, first of all, the sit down and talk with him about the
rules before homework.. Structure the study time.. During this talk, let him
feel the comfort of knowing, there will be breaks...
1. We get something to drink at the beginning of studying.
2. He is allowed to keep the drink with him.
3. I have all pencils sharpened before he comes to study
4. After about 10 to 15 min...he gets a break...15 min.....back to studying!
5. I keep a record of this for his behalf, explaining that I need his
attention as best as he can give..
6. At the end of the lesson, I reward him for his best attention!...
7. You have to decide what the reward will be...We used money!...This was a
good way for him to have money and spend it how he wanted!
8. During the lesson, I do have to remind him of paying attention, but, that
comes with a ADHD child.
9. Don't reward him tomorrow for today's work!.. it is very important that
they are rewarded immediately after they do their homework..
10. just started this ..make sure he gets some sort of reward regardless if
he what you wanted or not.
11. They have to trust the fact, what you are saying is for real!