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Regular Features

Dr. Steven Richfield provides articles on many different aspects of raising a child with ADHD.                                   

Each month we our advocate will be answering questions from our visitors about yours and your children's rights in the educational system.    

A mother is trying to help her teenage son learn anger management.   

Five great ideas for motivation, including The Shoe Race, Trading Places and more.  

Organize your child at home, and maybe find some tips that will help you as well.  

Headlines about ADHD, Learning Disability and Mental Disorders

Study on ADD and TV
The recent study published on watching television between the ages of one and three and the possible link to ADD/ADHD did not take many considerations into account. The author of the study even admits that he cannot conclude that television watching and ADD/ADHD are linked.

Read the Article

How To File A Complaint With The OCR

Section 504 is administered and monitored through the Office of Civil Rights. If you feel your school is not cooperating or not following the Section 504 Plan, you have a right to file a complaint.  Below are guidelines, supplied by the OCR on how to file a complaint.


If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your handicap, you may file a complaint with OCR within 180 days from the date of the alleged discriminatory act. (OCR may extend the 180-day period if good cause is shown.) Include the following information in your complaint, or request a Discrimination Complaint Form from OCR:

Your name, address and telephone number. You must sign your name. (If you file a complaint on someone's behalf, include your name, address, telephone number, and statement of your relationship to that person e.g., spouse, attorney, friend, etc.)
Name and address of the institution or agency you believe discriminated against you.
How, why and when you believe you were discriminated against.
Any other relevant information.
Send the complaint to the OCR regional office below or to the Washington, D.C. headquarters' address on the front of this Fact Sheet.

Upon receipt of your complaint, OCR staff will review it to determine coverage under Section 504. If your complaint raises covered issues, an investigation will be initiated. If discrimination is found, OCR will negotiate with the institution or organization to voluntarily correct the discrimination. If negotiations are unsuccessful, enforcement proceedings may be instituted to suspend Federal funding. Under Section 504, you also have the right to consult a private attorney and to seek relief through the filing of a private lawsuit against the organization you allege discriminated against you.

Once a complaint is filed with OCR, the law prohibits the alleged discriminating party from taking retaliatory actions against a complainant or any person who provides information to OCR regarding a complaint. OCR should be notified immediately in the event of any retaliatory action.

If it is determined that your complaint is not within OCR's jurisdiction, OCR may forward it to an appropriate agency that may be able to help you.

For more information about Section 504, as well as information on other laws enforced by OCR, contact the OCR office below or headquarters. For circumstances where you require a quick answer regarding a civil rights problem, you may call us at the following Hotlines:

Voice: 1 -800-368- 1019; TDD : 1 -800-537-7697.

Office for Civil Rights employees will make every effort to provide prompt service.