*~* EBOOK*~* ADHD in Preschool and Toddlers *~* EBOOK*~* |
ADDHelpline is your ADD Information Source *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ADHD Health Library Updated videos and information on ADD/ADHD brought to you by Healthology. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
a high school student lacks the motivation to complete his schoolwork, we need
to look not only at him but at the reasons behind the lack of motivation. Self-esteem issues can plague individuals with ADHD. There are many causes but there is help. PARENT TO PARENT CAN YOU HELP?? This month, a short and to the point question about disciplining children
I need suggestions on alternative ways to
discipline a child with ADD. I do not and will not spank. Please
Last Month: A mother is looking for ways to help her teenage son deal with anger. |
Special Section: Mini EBook for Day Care Providers and Preschool Teachers on ADHD in Preschool What
Is ADD/ADHD The DSM-IV, cites the following as criteria for the diagnosis of ADD/ADHD: INATTENTION
(need 6 of 9)
(DSM IV - May 26, 1999) This criteria, however, is mostly for children over the age of 7 years old. Some doctor’s are reluctant to diagnose a child younger than school age as many children have not yet experienced a situation in which sustained attention and sitting quietly for extended periods of time is called for. Additionally, younger children can be extremely active, curious and have a short attention span and still fall within developmental guidelines. Diagnostic criteria require that a child be affected by the above behaviors in at least two settings, normally home and school. This is to rule out environmental factors causing a behavioral problem. Although there is a set diagnostic criterion for ADD/ADHD, there is not a “typical” ADD/ADHD child. Each child can exhibit different ADD characteristics and in different severities. Therefore, while one child with ADHD may be hyperactive and not able to sit still for more than a moment, another child may be less hyperactive and more inattentive. With younger children it is important for a diagnosis to be made by a mental health specialist. A strong understanding of deviations from the developmental stages is necessary to determine if a child is simply growing at their own pace or having difficulties with a certain area of development. |