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PARENT TALK Situation of the Month
How do you get any help with adhd when no one will diagnose
it with my child being only 7 years of age. he is at the moment trying a
diet of no E numbers or preservatives but it is costing a fortune. Any
suggestions on where we should start?
Take an online EEG Neurofeedback
Letters To The Editor I thank all of my readers that have chosen to write and share information with others. This page will have feedback on many different subjects, so please browse through the letters. As always, please keep your letters respectful of the choices others make. Letters containing offensive or derogatory remarks will not be printed. If you would like to write a letter to the Editor, please email here.
Dear Editors, Today I received my first ADDHelpline Newsletter. I was very pleased to find so many helpful & informative articles. Last year, my 10 year old daughter was diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, OCD, Anxiety & Depression. She is on medication, however, these are not miracle medicines & do not work on all of her special needs. A lot of the treatment for her has to come from inside herself. Together, she & I found several useful articles, charts & tips that we are very eager to try. Thanks for putting so much positive information at our fingertips! Sincerely, R.Souza NC
Hi, I have been doing some independent research on add. It would appear that pcbs and pesticides inhibit the brain from synthesising and releasing dopamine and noradrenaline. It would appear that many of the drugs used for add stimulate and release these substances. It would appear that mimimizing the use of these substances would minimize the risk.
I hope you will take the time to review this as a possible alternative to meds for ADD "My eleven year old son, Nicolas, was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) three years ago. His behavior was literally tearing my family apart. At first we though it was strictly a behavioral problem and went through the sessions with a psychologist. This did not help. We were having a real problem as I found knives hidden under his bed. Once Nicolas became angry there was no bringing him back to a calm state. He even punched holes in the walls of our home. In a fit of anger, he threw something at this sister and split her head. Finally, three years ago, Nicolas was diagnosed with ADHD and we were told that Ritalin was the drug that would help. I agonized for six weeks as to whether he should be on it. As a parent, there is a real sense of guilt that goes with having to make the decision to put your child on this kind of powerful drug. Finally, I decided to put Nicolas on Ritalin. I felt like I had no alternative. He was put on 10 mg. in the AM and 10 mg. before lunch. If we were going somewhere at night we would give him another 5 mg. We tried to keep him off the Ritalin on the weekends. The problem with Ritalin is that Nicolas's behavior was progressively getting worse when he was coming down off the Ritalin then it was before he took it. Nicolas himself asked not to take it because he didn't like the way he felt coming off it. I was introduced to the Biometics nutritional supplements by my sister-in-law. I got such dramatic results such as an increase in energy and it cleared up my allergies. My whole family is on the products. Nine weeks ago, I started Nicolas on full dosages of Biometics. I could see the difference within a week's time. All of a sudden he was calm. We were able to eliminate the Ritalin completely by the end of the first week. It has been nine weeks since Nicolas has taken any Ritalin. His temperament is very level and his anger is under control. Now we can have a disagreement and I can bring him back to a calm state. I feel like I have a whole new child. He is so happy and he gets along with his sister. Our family life is pleasant once again." (UPDATE: "I could not believe what happened to my son after using these products. It has now been two years since he started the products and he is has been Ritalin free for 1 3/4 years. In the mean time, I registered to become a distributor. I have dedicated my entire Biometics business on ADD/ADHD children and their families and I often hold seminars on how to deal with an ADD/ADHD child without drugs.") - Elizabeth Reza, L.A., CA
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